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  • Posted on 19 December 2022

    We have recently seen the end of the first year of our second term and our sixth year in total, and so I think that it is useful to look back on what FOR Cardiff have achieved in the last 12 months. Clearly our Annual Report and Showcase event will do this in more depth…

Jul 2022
  • Posted on 22 July 2022

    Prepared by Head of Project & Engagement, Emily Cotterill FIPM (Fellow of the Institute of Place Management). In 2021 in advance of the Senedd elections FOR Cardiff published A Recovery Manifesto for Cities and High Streets in which we called on the next Welsh Government to, ‘[e]mpower communities to take charge of neglected or mismanaged spaces and…

  • Posted on 4 July 2022

    The profile of Cardiff city centre has been in sharp focus recently with a range of concerts that have drawn national attention and audiences. The problems conveyed in the media about travelling in and out of the city for the Ed Sheeran concerts were in my mind exaggerated and people nibbled at the clickbait presented…

Jun 2022
  • Iesha Business Engagement Officer atFOR-Cardiff
    Posted on 17 June 2022

    Hi, I’m Iesha, a Business Engagement Officer for the office and professional sector. I joined FOR Cardiff in March 2022 because I wanted to use my skillset to enhance the city that I love. I previously worked as a corporate legal secretary at Capital Law, so I have plenty of industry experience under my belt. Outside…

Apr 2022
  • Posted on 28 April 2022

    Today, we’re looking at how the Welsh Conservatives manifesto for Cardiff stacks up against our ambition for a city that prioritises setting, culture, and transport. We’ve read through their manifesto and picked out some pertinent points for discussion: We will look to enhance local distinctiveness, including shop frontages, pavements, and other improvements to the public…

Feb 2022
  • picture of Mathew Hill - Business Engagement Officer at FOR Cardiff
    Posted on 3 February 2022

    A Business Engagement Officer is the face of FOR Cardiff. They were introduced in 2018 to enhance relationships with FOR Cardiff member businesses and to ensure that FOR Cardiff delivers excellent standards of service. The team work closely with businesses in Cardiff city centre to facilitate opportunities, share information, and provide industry-specific benefits. In our…

Sep 2021
  • Posted on 17 September 2021

    Audit Wales recently produced the report Regenerating Town Centres in Wales, which has been name checked by Deputy Minister for Climate Change Lee Waters MS as he announced the launch of a taskforce to create an ‘alliance for change’ across Wales’ town centres. We’ve reviewed how the recommendations of the report intersect with those of our Recovery Manifesto…

May 2021
  • Posted on 5 May 2021

    We’ve compared the promises of the Conservative Manifesto to our Recovery Manifesto for Cities and High Streets to see how their policies stack up. Our Recommendations Conduct a large-scale review of business rates No –the Conservatives mention abolishing business rates for small businesses, whilst this will be good news for many the fact remains that…

  • Posted on 4 May 2021

    We’ve compared the promises of the Labour Manifesto to our Recovery Manifesto for Cities and High Streets to see how their policies stack up. Conduct a large-scale review of business rates No – there’s nothing in the Labour manifesto on business rates. The party do commit to reforming council tax, business rates’ domestic cousin, to…

Apr 2021
  • Posted on 30 April 2021

    We’ve compared how the Plaid Cymru 2021 manifesto compares to the recommendations in our Recovery Manifesto for Cities and High Streets. Our Recommendations Conduct a large-scale review of business rates Yes! Plaid commit to reforming and ultimately replacing business rates with what they all ‘a new and fairer land and property tax, levied as a…