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  • Posted on 19 February 2021

    Amidst the challenges presented to us all, the last few weeks have been extremely positive for FOR Cardiff for a number of reasons. We have reached out to fill spaces on our Board and sub Committees and have been really impressed by the enthusiasm of those wanting to get more involved and believing in the…

Aug 2020
  • Posted on 24 August 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated something which many people already suspected – that with the right level of intervention Britain’s rough-sleepers could be brought indoors. The effort to bring these people inside during the pandemic was enormous, but this was because the numbers of people sleeping rough across the UK were so devastatingly high. Now…

Jul 2020
  • Posted on 9 July 2020

    ‘Yesterday’s announcements by the Chancellor on the latest raft of ideas to support businesses and workers have been on the whole well received and they are in these circles as well. However, there could be a missed opportunity for a large number of businesses in Cardiff to benefit from perhaps the most radical package on offer,…

  • Posted on 3 July 2020

    Footfall and Spend Footfall has picked up since non-essential retail opened last Monday with some encouraging figures towards the end of last week and this week. Considering the 5 mile travel restriction, some retailers still not open and no pubs, cafes or restaurants operating or just offering a takeaway service, the fact that last Saturday…

Oct 2019
  • Posted on 15 October 2019

    Earlier this year, FOR Cardiff introduced three Business Liaison Officers to the team, Rhian Reynolds, Louise O’Hanlon and Mathew Hill. The role was developed to enhance the relationships with FOR Cardiff member businesses and to ensure that FOR Cardiff delivers excellent standards of service. The team work closely with businesses to facilitate opportunities, share information…

Aug 2019
  • Posted on 28 August 2019

    Bore Da. Welcome to what is supposed to be my final thoughts. Except it’s not, really, because thanks to a flurry of projects all launching around the same time, my contract is being extended and I’ve become slightly less temporary. So, these are my final thoughts before I take some unpaid leave and come back…

  • Posted on 13 August 2019

    Bore da. How’s your week going? I’ve been having a bit of a mare myself. You know that feeling when you wake up and you just feel a bit too well rested? That feeling was quickly replaced by a wash of horror as I realised last Wednesday morning that my phone charger had mysteriously kicked the bucket…

Jul 2019
  • Posted on 26 July 2019

    Bore da. Bit hot, isn’t it? I’m normally not one to complain about the precious moments of sun Wales receives but when you’re running a bit low on business wear, and you only own black trousers anyway, it does get a bit tasking. That’s definitely one of the problems I’ve come across that I didn’t…

  • Posted on 19 July 2019

    In our business plan FOR Cardiff commit to entering both local, national and international awards to seek recognition for what we’ve achieved and ensure we’re performing at an award winning standard. The last few weeks have been very successful with the team winning or being nominated for the following accolades ATCM – Runner up – Best…

Jun 2019
  • Posted on 27 June 2019

    FOR Cardiff recently moved offices, the resultant conversations about the rearrangement of furniture sparked a fiercely contested debate – should we buy an awards shelf or fully commit to the situation and buy ourselves an awards cabinet so that we can really show off. There was some brief discussion of a professionally lit and rotating…

Oct 2018